Friday 13 April 2012

First attempt

Ohhh... ape yg aku wat i... Serius2 xreti nak berblog2 ni.. Ni kire bgun pagi2, dapat whatsapp dri someone suh wat blog... Pas tu terus without thinking any consequences trus wat je kn.. Errr, mmg xde pendirian... Ok,errrrr2... Blur2...So, first attempt kne la kasi gmbar2 about myself dlu kn.. Bese la standard org skang judge people by their look..So, Tadaaaaaaa!!!
Heee.. ini la sye.. berbaju kuning bertudung itam.. Pnggil naneem je

So, persoalan nye skang ' Siapakah Naneem?".. Hrrrmmm,Actually she's a student...Teacher wanna be ok..:). Studying in Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. Tpi malay ok, malay2... sgt sopan, comel n penyayang. Ok, tu je... Xleh lebih2... Privacy2..:)


  1. niceee babe ! huahahahaha
    :P muahhhx

  2. Post xley lebih budget ke ? i likeee. hahahaha :P
